General Requirements of Doing the Exercise
Wear loose clothes when you are preparing to do the exercises. Go to the bathroom before practicing. Find an open space with fresh air. Be relaxed both mentally and physically. You should have the the sun at your back if you choose to stand under the sun. The breathing should be deep and even. Breathe through your nose and no sound can be heard even by yourself. Always pay some attention, especially when you exhaling, to your Dantian, which is the internal point in your belly located one palm below your navel. Do not practice within one hour after a big meal or a half hour after a small meal.
Take a few deep and slow breaths before beginning the routine. Be relaxed both mentally and physically. Breathe through your nose and no sound can be heard even by yourself. The breaths and movements should be even, slow, and natural. Stretch your sinews through gentle exertion. Stop for a half second after each inhaling or exhaling. Repeat each form two to eight times. It takes five to twenty minutes to do so.
Feel the sensation in your body during practice. Being comfortable is more important than mimicking the illustration pictures. Apply the movements smoothly and gently. Exert consciousness rather than physical strength. When finishing an exercise, stand still with your attention on Dantian for awhile before you move around.
时间短:时间长短可自由调整,通常可在 5~15 分钟内择项或全套演练。
八段锦的功效: 八段锦是调理气血、畅通经脉、灵活筋骨的运动,若能天天有规律地演练,即能促进血液循环、舒畅胸怀、清醒头脑,确是预防百病、延年益寿的最佳方法。特别适用于调理亚健康带给身体的不适,增进人体生理机能,祛病健身;改善肩肌劳损、腰肌劳损带来的疼痛和机理行损伤;并有对调理气血;平衡脏腑功能、改善睡眠品质等。